Playstation 4

ReviewsVideo Games

What’s A Geek! Presents 2017 In Videogames

Do you fancy yourself as a gamer? if you do, then join us as we recall some of the year's most well-known titles. Here are some thoughts from the What's A Geek! staff for the highlights of 2017 in videogames. 2017 In Videogames This year's videogame releases prove that there's more to the industry than just sheer graphics…

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ReviewsVideo Games

Protect Your Dreams – A Pankapu Quick Look

In the current state of the gaming industry, the action platformer genre has gone the way of the dinosaurs. None of the big game companies seem to want to touch the genre with a 10-foot pole. Nowadays it's indie games such as Shovel Knight, Odallus: The Dark Call, and Mighty No. 9 *shudders* that's keeping the genre alive. Pankapu is another…

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ReviewsVideo Games

Tekken 7: The Fated Review

The latest iteration of Bandai Namco's primary fighting game franchise, Tekken 7, came out in the arcades in 2015. Console players and, for the most part, people outside of Japan had to wait 2 years to be able to play the game. Now in 2017, Tekken 7: Fated Retribution has finally released on PS4, Xbox One,…

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ReviewsVideo Games

Nioh: The New King of the Genre

As you can probably tell by the title, I think HIGHLY of Team Ninja's Nioh. I've been looking forward to the game, since I learned about it a few years back. I mean as a giant weeabu, and a fan of From Software's Souls series, how could I not be looking forward to Nioh? So the question now is, despite what the…

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Video Games

Let’s Talk About: NieR Automata (Demo)

As I mentioned in my Top 10 list for 2016, I was gonna talk about the NieR Automata Demo. I have A LOT to say about the demo and the game in general. Before talking about the game itself, though, I'll give a brief overview of the series. NieR and Yoko Taro: NieR Automata is a…

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