Author: Hitoshura

PreviewsTrailersVideo Games

Cyberpunk 2077: What Can We Expect?

Cyberpunk 2077 remains as one of the most anticipated games in recent times. The game deserves this popularity, given it's being developed by critically-acclaimed developers CD Projekt Red. Yes, the same team who's done amazing work on The Witcher Trilogy - a beautiful, masterfully-created open world fantasy RPG. So when fans heard that CD Projekt Red was…

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ReviewsVideo Games

Dark Souls 1 Is Still A Gem 8 Years Later #WAGPlays

Dark Souls remains a gaming staple since its release back in 2011, and it remains a compelling title to this day. In this age of journalists and reviewers complaining about the excessive difficulty of certain games, some might consider the popularity of Dark Souls 1 a wonder. After all, it's reached quite a position of esteem within the…

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#WhosAGeek: Dennis Sebastian – Architect, Animator, Storyteller

Conventions still remain a great place to bring people together from different backgrounds to celebrate common interests. In the case of geek conventions such as ToyCon 2019, it’s a great place to geek out about, well, toys. And these conventions continue to become a great way to meet interesting characters hiding among convention attendees and…

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